Advances in 3D Bioprinting

Advances in 3D Bioprinting

September 10th - 12th, 2023

Haifa, Israel


Sunday, September 10, 2023

11:30-12:00Registration, Reception & Exhibition
12:00-12:10Welcome & Introduction | Shulamit Levenberg, Dina Safina
Session 1 | Chair: Ben Maoz, Tel Aviv University
12:10-12:50New bioinks and biofabrication methods to enable personalized tissue mimics | Sarah Heilshorn, Stanford
12:50-13:20Advanced micromaterials and modular bio-inks for multiscale tissue engineering | Jeroen Leijten, University of Twente
13:20-13:403D-bioprinted cancer models for target discovery, personalized medicine, and drug development | Ronit Satchi-Fainaro, Tel Aviv University
13:40-14:00Investigation of biosynthetic and biomimetic strategies to promote nutrient supply in 3D-bioprinted tissue precursors | Andreas Blaeser, Technical University of Darmstadt
14:00-14:20Transforming protein solution into fibers using electrostatic complexation | Eyal Zussman, Technion
14:20-15:10Coffee break & Exhibition
Session 2 | Chair: Avi Schroeder, Technion
15:10-15:40Light-based vat-polymerization 3D bioprinting for tissue fabrication | Yu Shrike Zhang, Harvard
15:40 -16:10Light-driven biofabrication and organoid technology to engineer volumetric living tissues | Riccardo Levato, University Medical Center Utrecht
16:10-16:30Establishment of advanced 3D human cardiac tissue models for disease modeling, drug development, and regenerative medicine applications | Lior Gepstein, Technion
16:30-17:15From the discovery of the first angiogenesis inhibitors to the development of controlled drug delivery systems and the foundation of tissue engineering | Robert Langer, MIT (virtual talk)
17:15-20:00Social activity - Cable car, walk and picnic on mount Carmel

Monday, September 11, 2023

8:30-9:00Registration, Reception & Exhibition
Session 3 | Chair: Luai Khoury, Technion
9:00-9:40Engineering Organoids | Matthias Lutolf, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (virtual talk)
9:40-10:20Biofabrication of organs-on-a-chip | Milica Radisic, University of Toronto
10:20-10:40Engineering personalized tissue implants: from 3D printing to bionic organs | Tal Dvir, Tel Aviv University
10:40-10:503D printing of personalized catheters with smart coating for improved functionality, biocompatibility and anti-bacterial characteristics | Shady Farah, Technion
10:50-11:20Coffee break & Exhibition
Session 4 | Chair: Ulyana Shimanovich, Weizmann Institute
11:20-12:00Engineering Immuno-Mechanics to Guide Tissue Regeneration | Georg Duda, Charité University hospital
12:00-12:30Precision biofabrication of tissues and tumor models with single-cell resolution, nanostructural mimicry, and microgeometric control | Luiz Eduardo Bertassoni, Oregon Health and Science University
12:30-13:00The plant age; Materials for the future | Oded Shosseyov, Hebrew University
13:00-13:15Using diffusion packing for the self-assembly of 3D printed IPSC tissue fibers | Vasileios Trikalitis, University Of Twente
13:15-14:15Lunch & Exhibition
Session 5 | Chair: Shady Farah, Technion
14:15-15:45Flash talks | Coralie Greant, Wen Chen, Sulob Roy Chowdhury, JiaPing Li, Daniel Shiff, Simon Sayer, Núria Torras, Aina Abad, Saray Chen, Davide Ribezzi, Giovanni Zanderigo, Maren Fiedler, Lior Debbi, Alexander Thomas, Shlomit Edri
15:45-16:15Coffee break & Exhibition
Session 6 - Industry Session | Chair: Dana Gourevich, Israel Innovation Authority
16:15-16:30The Bio-Convergence Revolution | Dana Gourevich, Israel Innovation Authority
16:30-16:453D Printing – From science to the clinic | Aryeh Batt, Precise Bio
16:45-17:00rhCollagen as the Ideal Building Block for Biofabrication of Tissues and Organs | Yehiel Tal, Collplant
17:00-17:15New fibrillar collagen bioinks as bioprinting material for cardiac Tissue Engineering | Teresa Zúñiga, Viscofan
17:15-17:30Foam of Life: stimulating tissues to regenerate and repair with a 3D foam structure | Ishay Attar, Biochange
17:30-17:45The next step to the 3D bioprinting, BMAP, Bioreactors That Mimic The Anatomy and Physiology | Manuel Figueruela Garcia, Regemat 3D
17:45-18:00Multi-material DLP bioprinting & recombinant human collagen bioinks enabling complex vascularized tissues and organs | Joachim von Arnim, Cellbricks
18:00-20:30Poster session, light dinner & wine

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

8:30-9:00Registration, Reception & Exhibition
Session 7 | Chair: Ayelet Lesman, Tel-Aviv University
Fresh 3D Bioprinting of heart tissue and the path towards translation | Adam Feinberg, Carnegie Mellon University
9:40-10:10Microfluidic-enhanced 3D bioprinting | Wojciech Swieszkowski, Warsaw University of Technology

10:10-10:30Methacrylated Fibrinogen IPN hydrogels with rapid gelation, structural stability and controlled mechanical properties: applications in bioprinting of skeletal muscle fibers | Dror Seliktar, Technion
10:30-10:50Hybrid bioinks as an approach to improve real 3D printability and printing fidelity | Robert Luxenhofer, University of Helsinki
10:50-11:20Coffee break & Exhibition
Session 8 | Chair: Josué Sznitman, Technion
11:20-12:00Advances in lithography-based 3D printing of hydrogels | Jason Burdik, University of Colorado
12:00-12:30Tessellated tissue scaffolds based on 3D jet writing | Joerg Lahan, University of Michigan
12:30-13:00Scaling up organoid culture for towards organ-scale biofabrication | Mark Skylar-Scott, Stanford
13:00-13:20Printing emulsion-templated polymers: Versatility, hierarchy, degradability | Michael Silverstein, Technion
13:20-14:10Light Lunch & Exhibition
Session 9 | Chair: Yaakov Nahmias, Hebrew University
14:10-14:50Regenerative Medicine: Current Concepts and Changing Trends | Anthony Atala, Wake Forest University
14:50-15:20Development of biomimetic models of intestinal tissue: guiding cellular self-organization through biofabrication techniques | Elena Martinez, Barcelona University
15:20-15:50Fabrication of Anatomically-Scaled Microvasculature for Regeneration and Disease Modeling | Ying Zheng, University of Washington
15:50-16:10Bioprinting vascularized tissue flaps | Shulamit Levenberg, Technion
16:10-16:15Poster Awards Announcement & Closing Remarks | Shulamit Levenberg, Dina Safina

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