Advances in 3D Bioprinting

Advances in 3D Bioprinting

September 10th - 12th, 2023

Haifa, Israel

Conference Sponsorship

We offer various sponsorship options:

  • Organizing a workshop in which the participants will get hands-on experience with your device or biomaterial. This option costs 5000$ and includes the registration fee for up to 5 of your team members.  


  • Giving a talk about your company and your devices/products/services etc. at the industry session. The session is planned right in the middle of the conference and will be followed by dinner and poster session (which guarantees the highest attendance). This option costs 3000$ and includes the registration fee for up to 3 of your team members.


  • Presenting your product/device at an exhibit booth. The booth will be presented throughout the entire conference, and dedicated timeslots are intended for the exhibition. This option costs 3000$ and includes the registration fee for up to 3 of your team members.


  • Presenting a poster at the poster session and/or a banner at the conference hall costs 1500$ and includes the registration fee for up to 2 of your team members.


Each of the options includes adding the company logo to the conference website and all the relevant advertisement materials.

Contact us | +972-73378-1282 | +972-58689-8687